Or are they simply charlatans ? If that is the case, believers are being taken for a ride, and an expensive one at that. These gurus offer some or the other sort of spiritual guidance, consolation and hope to the masses and have become billionaires several times over in the process.ĭo the teachings of these gurus supplement, complement or enhance what is already available through the ministry of the Church and in Biblical revelation ? If they do, then we must admit that our “deposit of faith” lacks fullness and sufficiency. Since then, I discovered that many Catholics are ardent devotees of Satya Narain Goenka, the propagator of Vipassana meditation, ‘godman’ Sri Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi, the ‘hugging godwoman’ Mata Amritanandamayi, and other gurus. If only he were a more ‘informed’ Catholic Christian, he would have rejected the philosophies of AOL and its founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. So, I presumed, he was a pushover when he encountered AOL- his had to be an isolated case. It did not really surprise me to find him doing AOL- apart from his busyness in parish activities, he had never exhibited any substantial spiritual interests, not even the common Catholic pieties and devotions. The reason: he was in a stressful job and he believed that AOL would help him manage his stress. He told me that he was doing an “Art of Living” course. While on a visit to Bangalore, I dropped in at the home of an old friend who had been the president of our parish’s Catholic Association of which I was a council member years ago when we lived in New Delhi. NEW WEBSITE: (This article was taken from this website)